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《The Sea》:



Morcheeba - The Sea

Flocking to the sea

Crowds of people wait for me

Sea gulls scavenge

Steal ice cream

Worries vanish

Within my dream

I left my soul there

Down by the sea

I lost control here

Living free

I left my soul there

Down by the sea

I lost control here

Living free

Morcheeba - The Sea

Fishing boats sail past the shore

No singing may-day any more

The sun is shining

The Water's clear

Just you and I walk along the pier

I left my soul there

Down by the sea

I lost control here

Living free

I left my soul there

Down by the sea

I lost control here

Living free

Morcheeba - The Sea

A cool breeze flows but mind the wasp

Some get stung it's worth the cost

I'd love to stay

The city calls me home

More hassles fuss and lies on the phone

I left my soul there

Down by the sea

I lost control here

Living free

I left my soul there

Down by the sea

I lost control here

Living free

I left my soul there

Down by the sea

I lost control here

Living free

I left my soul there

Down by the sea

I lost control here

And living

And living

And I, living

By the sea

Morcheeba - The Sea


我在那一角落患过伤风 ? %CE%D2%D4%DA%C4%C7%D2%BB%BD%C7%C2%E4%BB%BC%B9%FD%C9%CB%B7%E7&t=2 陈崎贞 我在那一角落患过伤风 da len da len da len da len da len da len da len da len da len da len da len da da len da len da len da len da len da len da len da len .... da da da len da len da len da len da da a ... da len da len da len da da da da a ... da len da len da len da la la l 《我在那一角落患过伤风》,这是一首有很奇怪名字的歌,更奇怪的是它只有一句歌词,并且唯一一句歌词还只有一个词——darling。 《我在那一角落患过伤风》出自一张叫做《只能谈情,不能说爱》的特殊唱片。 之所以说《只能谈情,不能说爱》是一张特殊唱片,是因为它是一本同名小说的配乐概念唱片——这是一个新名词。这本小说这样写道: 曾经恋爱过的人都明白,最爱的,总是得不到的。 得与失,得当然喜;得而复失、患得患失、乍得还失,更悲! 曾经恋爱过的都明白,童话式的天长地久只属于童话,属于现实,难得,所以可贵,所以童话!现实中的爱情,最爱的,总是得不到的。 伤风,能够用药治好,中药太慢,西药太伤身体,所以,我总是选择自然好。 我的伤风断断续续,蔓延开来,咳嗽,头痛。然而,反反复复,讳疾忌医。 我害怕中药太苦,从来不喝。害怕西药伤身,尽量少吃。终于,还是有那么一天,我发现我的伤风好了,以前痛苦挣扎,以为就这样一辈子沉重地背着伤风病。一瞬间,却发 现早已全愈。 爱情,也不过如此。

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